sunburn remedy AKA magic 

so I’m sitting in my bathroom waiting to slather myself in coconut oil so I can take a nap and wake up in less burning pain than I am now. I try and avoid going out in public with sunburns especially after moving to Hawaii because is there anything else that just screams tourist who forgot to put on sunscreen!? I might as well have a Segway and a tacky Hawaiian shirt. mean. I know. anyways I don’t like using sunscreen because I need my vitamin D and I’m not a fan of all the unnatural harsh stuff in it so I usually use coconut oil or treat myself afterwards since my skin isn’t fair I usually don’t burn easily. but be careful if you do! You’re body is telling you something when it is burnt so please try and avoid that. 

But this is for after you unfortunately fail at protecting yourself from the sun. this works miracles and your sunburn will be gone by the next day!!! 

All you need…..

Apple Cider Vinegar

Coconut oil

washcloth with a little water on it

Standing in your shower or outside or somewhere decent, pour a small amount of apple cider vinegar and dab on sunburned skin it won’t burn I promise it actually feels amazing! keep applying Apple cider vinegar and dabbing allover your body. on the really bad parts I usually just pour a little acv on it then rub it in. 

Then wait. 

Once you’re dry slather on the coconut oil! one layer should be good but then one more before you go to bed and another the next day. Remember to protect yourself from long exposures in the sun especially if your fair and learn from your mistakes;) …..and thank god for Apple cider vinegar 

NOTE: It also helps to sit in front of a fat or air conditioner for a while to cool your skin down. 

2 thoughts on “sunburn remedy AKA magic 

    1. haha it helps so much! I went for a walk on the beach then took a nap and woke up red! glad to say it was gone the next day until I went for another walk today… best of luck xoxo

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